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07 November 2023

What Is Step 001?

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It is often said that taking the first step is THE most important but what is also critical is taking the RIGHT first step.

Digitization versus Digitalization

So much has been said about digitalizing the supply chain – that’s important, even critical. But what is more important is how that data is procured. Digitization and digitalization goes hand in hand but getting the priority right is even more critical.

Digitalizing the supply chain involves the transformation of business processes by leveraging digital technology to improve efficiency and accuracy within the supply chain leading to overall business improvement, cost efficiencies and even creating new opportunities.

While it is critical for us to digitalize the supply chain, what is more important is the data that is used throughout the digitalization journey. Digitization refers to the conversion of analog data (paperwork) to digital ones (data). Like they say – “Garbage in, garbage out!”. In steps SANBO Intelligent Technology – we digitize your paperwork and get the data ready for the digitalization efforts. Get it right up front…

SANBO aims to provide supply chain digitization solutions through the deployment of our OCR AI technology, digitizing paperwork and connecting nodes. The FIRST STEP to digitalization is digitization and while many companies are talking about an efficient supply chain model, few have recognised that credible and accurate data input is critical. SANBO aims to provide that solution… we will be your first step towards a digitalised supply chain.

Still doing data entry?

Removing Manual Data Entry

The Logistics & Transportation industry has been relying on manual data entry for all their processes – starting with receiving documents from the Shipper then Freight Booking and then Customs Declaration etc. SANBO aims to provide a cost effective & efficient solution to address those challenges

Leveraging on OCR and Artificial Intelligence, we model the application to read the relevant documents – Commercial Invoice, Packing List, HAWB, MAWB, Bill of Lading etc. The documents can come in several formats like PDF, JPG, XLS etc. The OCR AI picks out the relevant data and populates the Customs Declaration System thereby replacing data entry. All the users need to do is eyeball the resulting conversion to ensure accuracy and hit the “Submit” button when all is correct.

When the data at source is correctly interpreted and digitized, the data flow down the line will be good. Manual data entry is fraught with errors and delays – with digitization using OCR AI technology, not only will accuracy improve over time, it will speed up data procurement. A 70 pages Commercial Invoice can be digitized in under 2 minutes while a person will take at least 3-4 hours with manual data entry. And with machine learning, the accuracy improves over time going up as high as 99.9% accuracy.

So while you look towards digitalizing the supply chain, shouldn’t you look at digitization first?

Benefits and gaining competitive advantage.

Benefits Three-Fold

Our pay-as-you-use model also means there is no big technology investment required. Not only will you embark on a digital transformation journey (1), you will also embrace Sustainability (2). And what’s more, the staff that might be affected by this digitization journey may be redeployed to higher value-added roles (3) to bring more benefits to the company. In this age where finding new employees are difficult, redeploying helps both the company and the employee.

With an improved supply chain focusing on People, Process and Technology, you can achieve competitive advantage over your competitors. With faster response, more accurate data analytics and flow through and cost efficiency, you will find more benefits embarking on this digital transformation journey.

Give us a call and we will be happy to share with you our solution and how we can do this together.