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About Sanbo

We Focus on People, Technology and Process

We aim to provide supply chain technology solutions relevant to the industry. Through our technology and the connections of our nodes, we intend to improve supply chain efficiency allowing parties to exchange important data end-to-end.

While we focus on executing the best that we can, we have to focus on the three key pillars behind operational excellence are People, Process and Technology.

On the one hand, people need to be adequately trained and motivated – discipline being the key. With the right people but the wrong process, the results are sub-optimal solutions. Hence the need to regularly look for process improvements.

But even with the best people and an efficient process, without the proper technological support, the final outcome will still be less than desired. In any operational establishment, the three aspects – People, Process & Technology have to be in harmony. Having one aspect without the others won’t work. Having the best technology money can buy but people who are not trained to use it or who are resistant to using it won’t yield the right results.

OCR AI Software for Data Extraction Supply Chain Circle

Our Beginnings

Our Solution for Improved Performance and Sustainability

OCR AI Software for Data Extraction Supply Chain

In a post COVID pandemic world, inflated freight rates and supply chain costs is putting pressure on every company. Given that freight rates, salaries and other associated costs are unlikely to fall to pre-pandemic levels, companies have to look into areas to improve productivity and manage costs. Where can companies look to shave cost and improve performance and productivity? Going digital and sustainable is the way to go. The logistics and transportation industry has been lagging behind in both digitization and sustainability.

OCR AI Software for Data Extraction Documents

Even until today, paperwork still dominates our industry. Manual data entry, data accuracy and efficiency are major challenges of many companies.

Sanbo intends to provide a technological solution in the form of our Intelligent Character Recognition solution to digitize paper documents. With the resulting data stored on the platform users will be able to reuse these data in a myriad of applications. Not only is it more accurate (with AI and machine learning technology), it is also more efficient and definitely more cost effective.

Other Services

We also will be providing consulting services to our customers and partners in the areas of Supply Chain Outsourcing in the journey towards improving overall supply chain efficiency. While you focus on what’s important (generating revenue and managing costs), let Sanbo help you manage your operational tasks by digitizing your paperwork and the first point of engagement.