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09 November 2022

Want Increased Productivity in your Supply Chain?

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While apps and software has progressed by leaps and bounds, the Supply Chain is still far from reaping the benefits of digitization and digitalization.

Sure, our Air Waybills are already digitized but everything else seems to still be in the stone age. Printing orders and manual data entry is still rampant. Even electronic data interchange or exchange among supply chain players is not widespread.

Take for instance Customs Declaration. Declaring companies are still relying on manual data entry. Most customers are still sending their documents to their declarants via email with attachments in various formats like PDF or JPG. Declarants will have to download, print and perform manual data entry in the Customs Declaration system.

Traditional Method of Customs Declaration

With the traditional method of Customs Declaration, the process for each set takes approximately between 20 and 30 minutes (or more) depending on the complexity of the order. The most tedious task in the traditional method is in the data entry.

Disadvantages of Traditional Customs Declaration

With the advance in technology, we are able to combine Optical Character Recognition (OCR) with Artificial Intelligence thereby developing an Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) capability. With ICR, the application extracts data from (typically) three source documents – Waybill, Commercial Invoice and Packing List. The app compares the output from the three sets of documents and highlights the differences to the operator. The operator needs to gives a once over and if no errors are spotted, submits the data for permit declaration.

OCR Method of Customs Declaration

With the establishment of the ICR solution, there are immediate gains to the user company.  While the ICR reduces the need for manual data entry, the solution also increases the data accuracy. Removing the (excess) manpower in this equation is a win-win for everyone.

Advantages of OCR Customs Declaration

Sanbo Intelligent Technology Singapore Pte Ltd

It is Sanbo’s aim to develop partnerships in Singapore to drive efficiency and productivity in providing accurate data in the supply chain environment. With our AI-enabled technology, we extract data from paper documents in various format, host the (converted) data and pushes the data to other applications to be used for Customs Declaration, Warehouse Management and Transportation Management. Visit us at for more information and a free no obligation consultation.