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19 June 2023

Still Doing Data Entry?

Still Doing Data Entry

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Data entry problems are costly. From entry errors to poor productivity to time consuming, data entry challenges are very well documented.

With the advancement of technology and the improvement of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), the need for manual data entry can be a thing of the past. Coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI), OCR can take over the data entry function bring benefits to the organization.

Traditionally, companies receive non-editable files and documents (PDF or JPG) via emails, print them and then proceed to enter the necessary information into their system to capture the data. This one set of documents may be printed by several departments all for different purposes.

Papers should be minimised in this day and age…

Take freight booking as an example. The shipper sends in the Commercial Invoice and Packing List via email to the Freight Booking Team (sometimes called Customer Service Department).

  1. The CS team prints the document and enters the data into their Freight Management System – sure they can recall the last job for the customer but there will still be differences from job to job which necessitates them to print and perform data entry.
  2. After the booking has been created, the ensuing waybill data together with the document is then sent to the Customs Declaration Team which then prints the document again to enter the data into the Customs System for Customs Declaration.
  3. Finance also gets one set of documents right?
  4. What about the Transportation team? And the list goes on…

It’s about time to review the whole process. Automation in the form of digitization will help solve the bulk of this problem. With digitization, the document is converted from hard copy to digital form and then pushed to the various applications that require such data. The same set of data can be reused throughout the supply chain for different applications thereby further reducing data entry down stream.

Digital transformation starting with digitization will help with manpower shortage, reducing cost and improving productivity.

At Sanbo, our OCR AI solution will help you digitize those documents and be transmitted to various applications thereby eliminating the need for data entry. Our conversion takes no more than 1 minute for a set of document having between 10 and 20 pages achieving as much as 99% accuracy if the source is “clean”. After digitization, all the user needs to do is give a once-over check to ensure it is correct and then hits the “submit” button when they are satisfied all information is correct.

Start the process improvement journey with digital transformation

So, if you want to improve your overall productivity and reduce cost, contact Sanbo and we shall do a no-obligation walk-through of your current process and show you where benefits can be had with just one simple step.