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Harness the Power
of Intelligent OCR Technology

OCR Scanning Software

  • Extract data seamlessly with our AI-based OCR scanning software.
  • Streamlines the supply chain processes such as Customs Declaration, Freight Booking and Management, Warehouse Management etc.
  • Web-based solution using commonly available browsers.
  • Data population for TradeNet (Customs), WMS/FMS and CMD submission.
Intelligent Character Recognition + Optical Character Recognition OCR AI Software for Data Extraction

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Benefits of using Intelligent OCR

Just a better way to work.

Improves Data Accuracy

Reduces Manual Data Input

Cost Effective

Better Manpower Utilization

Digital Data

Shorten Permit Submission Time


Access Data Anywhere

Unlimited Possibilities

Convert your documents into shareable databases and integrate them into numerous applications. You can import and export data from TradeNet Customs Declaration into China Customs Declaration and even connect different nodes from multiple locations.

OCR Software ICR Optical and Image Recognition for Data Extraction Format Unlimited applications

Learn how Sanbo's Intelligent OCR Software can be used in Cargo Declaration Process

Case Study