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How to Improve Supply Chain Efficiency

Learn how to automate your logistic processes to improve supply chain efficiency.

Warehouse Automation

Is Automation For Everyone?

Is warehouse automation the way to go?

Outsourcing Benefits

Benefits of Outsourcing

What factors to consider in outsourcing?
There are many benefits that companies can achieve through outsourcing when careful considerations are given.

Change is difficult but critical. If not now, when are you going to change?

Can you afford NOT to change?

The saying goes – the only constant is change… More so now than ever, because the technological cycle has shortened by leaps and bounds. For the technologically challenged, we have to adapt or be overtaken. Change is not easy and to make matters worse, change is often painful and the uncertainties almost always means failure. … Read more

Hand writing First Things First with marker, business concept background

What Is Step 001?

It is often said that taking the first step is THE most important but what is also critical is taking the RIGHT first step. Digitization versus Digitalization So much has been said about digitalizing the supply chain – that’s important, even critical. But what is more important is how that data is procured. Digitization and … Read more

Still Doing Data Entry

Still Doing Data Entry?

Data entry problems are costly. From entry errors to poor productivity to time consuming, data entry challenges are very well documented. With the advancement of technology and the improvement of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), the need for manual data entry can be a thing of the past. Coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI), OCR can take … Read more

Outsourcing concept image with business icons.

To Outsource or Not?

Many companies struggle with this thought when the market conditions change – do we outsource or keep it in-house? This article focuses on why outsourcing may be the way when the going gets tough. In any operations, we always focus on the three imperatives – People, Process and Technology. In order for any operations to … Read more

Sanbo Webpage Digital Transformation 02

Want to Harness Power of Digital Transformation?

It is amazing how the Supply Chain industry for all their prowess still relies heavily on paperwork. From Air Waybill to Bill of Lading to Commercial Invoices etc., the amount of paperwork the industry is generating is incredible. While digitization and digitalization is not new, the concept of data from single source is still somewhat … Read more

Sanbo Webpage Building a better team 01

Building A Better Team

How To Build a Better Team – A New Meaning of KPI I came across a banner that says KPI does not necessarily mean Key Performance Indicator but rather, has 4 parts that can and will lead to Higher Performance Teams. Keep People Inspired, Keep People Involved, Keep People Informed and Keep People Interested… I … Read more

Sanbo Webpage Take The First Step 01

What is the First Step in Digitalizing the Supply Chain?

The phrases digitization and digitalization has been swarming around for quite a while. But still, the journey towards digitalization is fraught with many barriers and few adopters. Barriers to digitization and digitalization are there due to many varied reasons. Most MNC companies have ERP systems that can transfer data to other systems. But in many … Read more

Sanbo Webpage Increase Productivity 02

Want Increased Productivity in your Supply Chain?

While apps and software has progressed by leaps and bounds, the Supply Chain is still far from reaping the benefits of digitization and digitalization. Sure, our Air Waybills are already digitized but everything else seems to still be in the stone age. Printing orders and manual data entry is still rampant. Even electronic data interchange … Read more