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26 October 2022

How OCR is used in Cargo Declaration Process?

How can Sanbo's Intelligent OCR Software be used to Improve Efficiency during Cargo Declaration Process

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OCR is a great tool to streamline your supply chain process such as cargo declaration. With advanced AI-based OCR software such as Sanbo Intelligent OCR software, cargo declaration can be created automatically in minutes.

Step 1: Upload Documents

Shippers upload paper documents into the Sanbo’s Intelligent OCR software.

Step 2: Auto-Recognition

The Intelligent Declaration System will digitize content of the paper documents with smart intelligent recognition technology.

Step 3: Data Review

The Intelligent Declaration System will detect any errors automatically and missing issues will be reported for an additional supplement review.

Step 4: Auto Declaration

Once the converted data is corrected and completed, the declaration message will be created automatically and submitted to Customs.