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05 December 2022

Building A Better Team

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How To Build a Better Team – A New Meaning of KPI

I came across a banner that says KPI does not necessarily mean Key Performance Indicator but rather, has 4 parts that can and will lead to Higher Performance Teams.

Keep People Inspired, Keep People Involved, Keep People Informed and Keep People Interested… I really like this new definition and I’d like to add my context to that.

Keep People Inspired

Keep People Inspired!

As a leader in this generation, leading is no longer a given. Leaders need to inspire those they lead. Some key values as a leader include integrity, respect for others, resilience and leading by example.

When one leads with integrity and with respect for others, what they are doing is wanting others around them to react in the same manner. Through sheer commitment to the tasks at hand and providing that clarity of thought to those around you, you will inspire them to be better individuals.

Resilience is underrated – when things go wrong, and inevitably it will, we have to ride out the storm with clear objectives of what is required. Resilience sees us through the toughest of times and a capable leader shows that.

Keep People Involved

Keep People Involved

No one likes to be left behind. Involving those around you is a way of getting commitment. Whether it is brainstorming or decision making, members tend to have a higher sense of achievement when they are involved in the process as they will feel vested to make it happen. After all, it was their idea too.

Keep People Informed

Keep People Informed

No one likes to fumble along in the dark or blindly follow the leader. When they know where they are headed and know what they need to do, people tend to do a better job.

When colleagues are kept in the know, they are more likely to work with you and make things happen. Leaders have to chart a clear course, make statements that give direction to actions. Making money is crucial in any organization. Therefore, minimizing cost and maximizing revenue is the key goal. Any action that minimizes costs and maximizes revenue goes towards achieving that goal. When the staff members are kept appraised on how the company is doing, they will know what is expected of them.

Keep People Interested

Keep People Interested

When you are interested or vested in something, you give more. And when you are interested in something, you tend to go the extra mile. Allow those around you to be creative – let them come up with ideas and allow them to develop a decision-making culture. When they see that they are given the free hand, they will remain interested and vested.

At the same time, we have to up our tolerance for mistakes. Allowing staff members to take initiative and make decisions is also allowing them to take and make calculated risks and mistakes. Empowering our staff to make decisions is a sign of trust in the capabilities of the team members.

At Sanbo Intelligent Technology Singapore Pte Ltd, we encourage our colleagues to share and keep everyone involved and informed. In today’s world where many of us work remotely, this is even more true as we aspire to be an employer of choice. Check us out at