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Make Processes Easy
with AI-Enabled Technology

Supply Chain Management Software

Digitize your hard copy documents seamlessly with our supply chain management software powered by AI-based OCR technology.


Intelligent Error Correction

Multi Language Capability

Structured Scenario Output

> 98%

Data Accuracy


Recognition Capability

< 30 minutes

Learning Capability Per Format

1.1 sec

Recognition Speed Per Page

Streamline your Supply Chain Process

We make supply chain processes simple with our revolutionary intelligent OCR solution. Coupled with AI-enabled technology, we combine Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to create accurate and intelligent data processing. You can populate data for TradeNet (Customs), WMS/FMS and CMD submission. Most of all, it is a web-based solution where you can use popular web browsers such as Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Make Processes Easy
with AI-Enabled Technology

Supply Chain Management Software

Digitize your hard copy documents seamlessly with our supply chain management software powered by AL-based OCR technology.

Deep Learning

99% Recognition Capability

Intelligent Error Correction

>98% Data Accuracy

Multi Language Capability

< 30 Minutes Learning Capability Per Format

Structured Scenario Output

1.1 Sec Recognition Speed Per Page

Streamline your Supply Chain Process

We make supply chain processes simple with our revolutionary intelligent OCR solution. Coupled with AI-enabled technology, we combine Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to create accurate and intelligent data processing. You can populate data for TradeNet (Customs), WMS/FMS and CMD submission. Most of all, it is a web-based solution where you can use popular web browsers such as Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

ICR OCR AI Software for Data Extraction Learning by Semantic Analysis

Data Extraction through
Deep Learning

Our intelligent OCR solution uses image processing, computer vision, natural language processing and deep learning technologies to accurately and comprehensively recognize the text in scanned documents and pictures. By understanding and extracting key elements required by business through semantic analysis, our software realizes the structured document processing while recognizing.

Widely used in supply chain industries such as the import and export trade, the correct rate of industry documents identification is much higher than other OCR products on the market.

Traditional vs OCR

A more effective and efficient way of working.

ICR OCR AI Software for Data Extraction Manual Work

No More Data Entry

ICR OCR AI Software for Data Extraction AI Recognition Software

Intelligent Rapid Recognition

ICR OCR AI Software for Data Extraction Accurate

High Recognition Accuracy

ICR OCR AI Software for Data Extraction 24 7 Work

Operational 24x7

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Can you afford NOT to change?

The saying goes – the only constant is change… More so now than ever, because the technological cycle has shortened by leaps and bounds. For the technologically challenged, we have to adapt or be overtaken. Change is not easy and to make matters worse, change is often painful and the uncertainties almost always means failure. … Read more